
2011 Hits, Misses and Near-Death Experiences

I hate resolutions.  I never make them.  Because I hate them.  I see them as reminders, set far in the future, of the ineffectual nature of my ambitions and my ability to bring them to fruition.  However, some people like them.  Me, I like to set goals and call them "Goals for INSERT YEAR HERE."  That way, if I don't achieve them, I don't feel as bad.  If I fail at a "resolution," it almost sounds as though I let the country down.  I won't bore you with all of them, but here are a few highlights from my "Goals for 2011."

REVAMP MY OFFICE:  Without my wife helping me, this never would have happened.  In late 2010, I purchased a new conference room table which was like Christmas for me.  I felt as though I had hit the lottery, mostly because I had wanted a new table for nearly 4 years.  But when she came to work with me in June 2011, the gloves came off.  New desks up front in our main office, a clean file room (devoid of paper, as you can read in my blog "It's All In The Numbers"), less clutter....it's all around a better atmosphere, more calming and welcoming, productive and effective, purposeful, as evidenced by the clients that come in to see me and then don't want to leave.  It's not because they love the sound of my voice, but because it smells nice in here and is better than going to their next appointment.  At any rate, I love my office more than I ever have.

READ MORE:  I didn't think this was possible, because I really do love to read.  I spent more time this year reading things related to my profession and to doing it better, as opposed to the next John Grisham book.  I do intend to read his new book, but not right now.  I have a Kindle and an iPad, which means that I can get to any e-book at any time I want, and with this convenience came a never-ending desire to read constantly.  I love it, but on those rare occasions where I'm just sitting and relaxing, I feel guilty if I'm not reading.  Is that bad?

BECOME LESS AFRAID OF TECHNOLOGY: Yep, this one is hard to admit, folks. In a profession where, as one colleague puts it, you "innovate or die, " I was way behind the curve ball for a CPA in 2011. However, I enrolled in a coaching course, made time during my work days to investigate and learn more technology, and enlisted Meghan's help in finding new and better ways to do things, and we came up with some pretty nifty ideas. Again, without her it wouldn't have happened. I am proud of how much we accomplished in this area and I hope that you recognize the changes when you come see us in 2012.

MISSES: I didn't play more tennis than the year before (in fact, I didn't play at all in 2011, which saddens me greatly); I didn't expand my musical horizons as much as I had intended, although I have a new appreciation for gangsta rap; I didn't have anything published in a professional journal, but then again I didn't try it either (maybe in 2012); and I didn't dig into my iMac and learn more cool things about it than I knew the year before.

NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCES: I changed telephone services in October to AT&T...enough said.

Here's to a fantastic 2012!  We love you guys, and wish you much success this year!

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