
Where Is My Jet Pack?

At the risk of dating myself here, does anyone remember typing "C: /" to do anything on their old DOS system?  I distinctly remember (because I remember obscure facts about my past, but have a hard time remembering to put on deodorant in the morning) doing this in college, which sadly was the first time I had ever used a computer.  I learned about Lotus 1-2-3 and WordPerfect at Clemson like it was the gospel.  I could even create my own macros by the time it was over.  I have a hard time doing that even today, and I spend hours in spreadsheets each week.

My 7 year old daughter can now navigate my iMac at home about as well as Meghan or I can.  She knows how to find things on the internet, as evidenced by the fact that she can locate any Justin Beiber music video or concert clip on YouTube with ease.  I remember watching MTV for hours on end, waiting for some promised video, then missing it when my bladder wouldn't allow me to sit still any longer.  Then, I had to wait for it again.  Wow, things are different now!  Everything is made to order, it seems.

Who remembers the video cameras from the 80's that weighed about 75 pounds and recorded data on those VHS tapes?  I do.  They were awfully bulky and difficult to use.  Quality...terrible.  Portability...forget about it.  Now, you can carry around a movie on your iPhone and watch it anytime.  I saw a kid in a pizza restaurant, waiting for a table while watching a cartoon on her mom's iPad.  I can't tell you how many hours I frittered away, waiting in line to eat someplace as a child, with nothing to entertain me except my own imagination and any toy I had stuck in my pocket on the way out the door.  Thank goodness for Star Wars action figures!  Now, they were portable....

I woke up this morning and paid a bill to one of my vendors while I was putting my daughter's lunch together. I had access on my iPad and I remembered that I needed to do it today.  It was great!  I can check the weather forecast from my bed at night to be sure I know whether to wear my foul-weather gear to work.  I can carry about a thousand books on my Kindle, anywhere, without a backpack or forklift.  As with anything, however, I would love more.  Where is my jet pack?  Do you remember those old commercials that promised floating cars and jet packs by the year 1999? I didn't see them when the originally aired but I have seen references to them.

I have carried my desire to have more, experience more, do more all the way to my desk when I come to work each day.  As you will see in the coming weeks and months as we enter tax season, we have made SO MANY changes to how we do things. Some are subtle, some will slap you right across the face.  We want you to have the jet pack.  We have this desire to keep providing more and more to you, and we have made a promise to ourselves to stay the course until you are flying around your office with little plumes of smoke coming out behind your jet pack.  How's that for a visual promise?  We are very excited about what we have done, and we know you will be as well.

Stay tuned....and Happy Holidays to all of you!

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