
Tax Structure Matters

I was having coffee with a colleague a while back, shortly after we reprinted our business cards. This time, we included the phrase, "Tax Structure Matters."

He said, "OK, so is it 'tax structure matters' or 'tax structure matters'?"

I replied, as most CPAs do, with "It depends."  (In case you don't know, that's our answer for EVERYTHING you ask.)

We intentionally left out any emphasis because it could be read either way and be right. As experts in the field of advising business clients on the best tax structure for their new or existing businesses, we focus on the advantages and disadvantages of the many different tax structures.  The last thing we want to do is saddle a business owner with a less-than-advantageous manner of reporting taxes.  

Once we help the clients set up the foundation, then we continue working with them for the life of their business to advise and counsel on tax structure matters that arise along the way.  We offer planning services to all our business clients by monitoring their tax position all year rather than just in December or January.  Pro-active analysis reduces surprises, and who doesn't want less surprises when it comes to taxes?

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